Every year, thousands of healthcare workers leave South Africa, in order to chase better opportunities, as wealthier countries exploit desperate working conditions faced by them. This brain drain is a direct result of neoliberal policies, especially austerity
Global trade union organization Public Services International concluded a survey which suggests most health workers are contemplating leaving their profession as global health workforce crisis intensifies
Zimbabue ha anunciado planes para penalizar la contratación en el extranjero de sus trabajadores sanitarios. Más de 4.000 trabajadores sanitarios han abandonado el país desde 2021, mientras el sistema de salud pública sigue enfrentándose a problemas de bajos salarios y falta de infraestructuras.
Zimbabwe has announced plans to criminalize the foreign recruitment of its health workers. Over 4,000 health workers have left the country since 2021, as the public health system continues to face issues of low pay and lack of infrastructure
The island has been forced to rely on foreign recruitment for nursing jobs, as eroding working conditions drive many abroad to richer countries