Arrested on the same day as his friend Julian Assange in 2019, software developer and activist Ola Bini has faced years of persecution in Ecuador. Despite being declared innocent in 2023, an appeals court has now convicted him for “Attempted Non-Consensual Access to a Computer System”.

Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Malawi have already proclaimed a state of national disaster as a severe drought has damaged swathes of crop area. Millions across the region are facing severe hunger and livelihood losses, with smallholder farmers striving to cope with the climate crisis and colonial monoculture patterns of farming

The Court has issued orders for Israel to “ensure” the “unhindered provision” of humanitarian aid, as 31 people have been killed due to deliberate starvation in Gaza

44-year-old Faye won the March 24 election with 54.2% of the vote, according to the official provisional results from the National Voting Census Commission. He has promised to restore the republic’s institutions, renegotiate mining and energy contracts, and work towards monetary reform, including potentially a new currency

Since 2021, over 4,000 people in rural and urban areas have become literate in Zambia’s official language, English, as a result of the Socialist Party’s program

The UK High Court has granted WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange provisional permission to appeal his extradition to the US, on grounds including the risk of the death penalty.

Mientras Israel se prepara para una invasión terrestre de Rafah, la resolución que Estados Unidos redactó y presentó al Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU se limitaba a señalar la “necesidad imperiosa” de alto el fuego inmediato en Gaza. Argelia, Rusia y China rechazaron la resolución, afirmando que no había cumplido la exigencia fundamental de un alto el fuego.

As Israel prepares for a ground invasion of Rafah, the US-authored resolution presented to the UN Security Council merely noted an “imperative” for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Algeria, Russia, and China rejected the resolution, stating that it had failed to deliver on the core demand for a ceasefire.

The 100,000-strong International Alliance of App-Based Transport Workers has expressed its solidarity with the Palestinian people in their struggle for liberation

El gobierno del presidente William Ruto ha suspendido el despliegue de 1.000 policías kenianos como parte de una misión respaldada por Estados Unidos en Haití. La noticia se produjo un día después de que el primer ministro de facto de Haití, Ariel Henry, anunciara su dimisión para allanar el camino al nombramiento de un “Consejo Presidencial de Transición” en medio de la creciente inseguridad en el país.

The Africa Regional Conference of the International Transport Workers’ Federation unanimously passed a motion authored by the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, an end to political support for Israel, and expressing solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for freedom.

The government of president William Ruto has suspended the deployment of 1,000 Kenyan police officers as part of a US-backed mission to Haiti. The news followed a day after Haiti’s de facto PM, Ariel Henry, announced his resignation to pave the way for the appointment of a “Transitional Presidential Council” amid rising insecurity in the country.