Carlos Fernández de Cossio
What the US media isn’t telling you about the protests in Cuba

US authorities and corporate media have given extensive coverage of protests which took place in eastern Cuba in response to deteriorating conditions which Cubans say are a product of US policies themselves

US “unwilling” to improve relations with Cuba

In an interview with US outlet MSNBC, Cuban official Carlos Fernández de Cossío criticized the inaction by the Biden administration to improve relations between the two countries

Cuban official condemns Wall Street Journal’s claim about Chinese base as “unfounded”

The US-based media outlet published an “exclusive” report alleging that Cuba and China had reached a “secret” agreement to build a spying base on the island

Where are relations between Cuba and the United States today?

Cuba’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Carlos F. de Cossío, spoke to Claridad about US-Cuba relations and the perspective for change

Cómo Cuba enfrenta la devastación del huracán Ian

El día antes de que el huracán Ian tocara tierra en Cuba, 50.000 personas fueron evacuadas y llevadas a 55 refugios. El 1 de octubre, menos de cinco días después de tocar tierra, el 82% de los habitantes de La Habana habían recuperado el suministro eléctrico, y se seguía trabajando en la parte occidental de la isla.

How Cuba is dealing with the devastation of Hurricane Ian

The day before Hurricane Ian hit Cuba, 50,000 people were evacuated and taken to 55 shelters. By October 1, less than five days after landfall, 82% of the residents of Havana had their power restored with work ongoing for the western part of the island