According to a report by UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, Tom Andrews, in June 2022, children have especially suffered due to the fighting between the military and the anti-coup resistance.
The central objective of the program is to ensure that 100% of Brazilian children receive primary education at least until the second grade
Around 90% of Afghans lack enough food to eat, forcing many impoverished families to send their children to work. Many children are also forced to work due to unsafe migration, family separation, detentions, and injuries from unexploded ordinances
El estado de Iowa acaba de aprobar uno de los proyectos de ley a favor del trabajo infantil más extremos de los últimos tiempos, que deja a los empresarios libres de responsabilidad si un niño trabajador muere cumpliendo sus labores
Iowa just passed one of the most extreme pro-child labor bills in recent times, leaving employers off the hook if a child worker dies on the job
A Hyundai subsidiary used up to fifty underage migrant workers at an auto plant known for hazardous conditions, according to former and current employees