Cholera epidemic in Lebanon
El Consejo Ejecutivo de la OMS se reunirá mientras continúan los brotes y se estancan los avances hacia la cobertura sanitaria universal.
La 152ª reunión del Consejo Ejecutivo de la OMS se celebrará del 30 de enero al 7 de febrero, con un orden del día que incluye los avances hacia la Cobertura Sanitaria Universal, el acceso equitativo a diagnósticos y terapias, la nutrición y más.
WHO Executive Board to discuss outbreaks of diseases old and new, financing and universal coverage
The 152nd session of WHO’s Executive Board is being held from January 30 to February 7. On the agenda are crucial issues such as progress towards Universal Health Coverage, equitable access to diagnostics and therapeutics, and nutrition
Cholera outbreak spreads rapidly in Lebanon
Lebanon struggles with its first cholera outbreak since 1993, as poverty, poor living conditions, and a weak health system put thousands of people at risk