Two workers abducted by goons “were held hostage and beaten in full view of the management inside the factory premises. Managers neither called the police nor the ambulance,” said union leader Mametlwe Sebei.
On January 27, pickets and rallies were held in several cities of South Africa in support of the workers’ demand to nationalize the dairy company Clover
Unions and Palestinian solidarity organizations have escalated actions calling for the South African government to disinvest from Clover the Milco consortium, which is majority-owned by an Israeli company operating in occupied territories of Palestine.
Amid threats and intimidation, the workers’ action at Clover has been strengthened by worker solidarity as well as the increasing support of civil society for its boycott campaign.
Unions have intensified their struggle, filing an official complaint against Clover’s retrenchment plans to the Competition Commission and calling for the company to be nationalized
Today we look at renewed attacks by Israel on Gaza, the ongoing strike by workers at the Clover company in South Africa, and more
Today we look at the March for the Homeland in defense of democracy in Bolivia, the 7th round of talks on the 2015 nuclear deal in Vienna, and more
Demanding an end to retrenchments that could see over 2,000 job losses, unions have called on the South African government to take over Clover SA, the largest employer in the country’s dairy industry