Former Health Minister of the Indian State of Kerala KK Shailaja talks about the State’s effective and inspiring response to COVID, the model of development that enabled it, and her life as a communist
What were the key factors behind the decisive victory of the Left Democratic Front led by the Communist Party of India (Marxist) in the State of Kerala in India?
In this episode we look at the upcoming elections in the States of Kerala and Tamil Nadu and the prospects of the ruling parties. We also take a look at the fate of children from the Rohingya community in Jammu, whose education has been disrupted
Vijay Prashad spoke to Kerala’s Finance Minister Thomas Isaac about the upcoming legislative elections in Kerala.
With elections coming up in several Indian states, Vijay Prashad explores the impact that the farmer’s protest and the government’s response to them could have on the correlation of forces
Of the 1,199 local government bodies in the State, the Left Democratic Front either won a majority or is the leading political block in more than half
Welcome to Dispatches from India, a brand new show from Peoples Dispatch.