Communist Party (KP)
Danish opt-out referendum Progressives in Denmark call to vote ‘No’ in upcoming EU defense opt-out referendum 

In the backdrop of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, pro-EU sections have pushed to abolish Denmark’s defense opt-out policy and to integrate the country into the EU’s defense formations and military maneuvers

Danish Communist Party ‘We oppose welfare cuts, austerity, and a warmongering foreign policy’

Peoples Dispatch spoke to Nikolaj Møller Kofod, international spokesperson for the Danish Communist Party about the challenges facing the left in Denmark

Nurses' Strike - Denmark Danish nurses’ strike crosses two months

The nurses’ strike in Denmark demanding pay rise and an end to wage gaps entered its 62nd day on August 19, making it the longest such action by nurses in the country

Workers' rights -Sweden Swedish Left opposes dilution of employment protection act

The Left Party, the Communist Party of Sweden, and the Communist Party have raised strong objections against the dilution of labor rights embedded in the current employment protection act