Cost of living
How did the Filipino working class fare in 2023?

Wage deflation and jobs gap continue to plague workers and the poor, who are caught between shrinking amount of products and the shrinking value of wages

Agitation by teachers forces Latvian government to increase wages

Against the backdrop of soaring inflation, school teachers in Latvia have been protesting the decrease in real wages and heavy workload

Sri Lanka protest Thousands of workers observe nationwide strike against increased taxation in Sri Lanka

Over 40 trade unions have announced a nationwide strike against the new income tax policy that has doubled taxation and increased the cost of living in Sri Lanka

Why Democrats could lose in the midterms

Inflation and the economy are top concerns for the people of the US in the upcoming midterm elections. The Democrats address neither.

Strikes spread across Amazon UK warehouses as workers reject “pathetic” pay offer

Workers across at least 4 Amazon warehouses in the UK have staged walkouts to protest pay offers that would raise wages by only 0.35-0.50 per hour. This will amount to a real-terms pay cut as the UK’s inflation is on track to hit 13%.

More than 80,000 hit the streets of Belgium against inflation

In the past few months, workers across Europe, including in Belgium, have been organizing frequent mobilizations against the ongoing cost of living crisis.

British workers protest rising costs, Tesla faces lawsuit and other stories

Today we look at a protest against rising costs in the UK, a racial discrimination lawsuit filed against Tesla in the US, and more

Working class in the UK gears up to protest the cost of living crisis

The rise in energy prices, cuts in wages and pensions, along with the ongoing COVID-19 crisis has made the working class households across the UK reel under a devastating cost of living crisis.