Coup in Mali
Is this the end of French neo-colonialism in Africa?

The recent formation of the Alliance of Sahel States is further proof of the consolidation of anti-French sentiment in the region. Philippe Toyo Noudjenoume, President of the West Africa Peoples’ Organization, says that this sentiment is especially strong in the Sahel region but is common throughout French-speaking Africa

“France out of Africa, US and NATO too!” Activists picket the UNGA

US activists protested outside of the UN General Assembly against US and French imperialism and warmongering in the Sahel

Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger alliance Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger form Alliance of Sahel States to advance collective defense

As an ECOWAS military threat looms over Niger, the three countries have formally declared that any act of aggression against one will be considered an aggression against all. The leaders of Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger have come to power in popularly-backed coups amid mass anti-French anger and rising insecurity in the Sahel

Russia vetoes sanctions on Mali Russia vetoes resolution seeking extension of sanctions against Mali

Russia and the government of Mali had objected to the indefinite extension of sanctions as harmful for the political process to establish peace in the country. They had sought a provision whereby the sanctions regime would be wound up in August 2024

What’s happening in Niger is far from a typical coup

The recent wave of coups in West Africa must be understood in the context of widespread discontent with the ruling elites and their collaboration with imperialism

Mass rally in Niamey backs Niger’s military leaders as ECOWAS-led intervention looms

30,000 people gathered in Niamey on August 6 in support of Niger’s military leaders hours before a deadline of intervention imposed by ECOWAS was set to expire

Níger: el cuarto país del Sahel que sufre un golpe de Estado antioccidental

El golpe de Níger sigue a los de Malí, Burkina Faso y Guinea. Todos ellos fueron dirigidos por militares enfadados por la presencia de tropas francesas y estadounidenses y por las crisis económicas que sufrían sus países.

Niger Thousands rally in support of Niger’s coup leaders as Western-backed ECOWAS threatens military intervention

ECOWAS has threatened military intervention if deposed President Mohamed Bazoum is not restored in a week. Bazoum was overthrown in a coup by officers who have received support from thousands in the country

Mali constitutional referendum Will revamped constitution herald stability in war-torn Mali?

A recent referendum has brought about major changes to Mali’s constitution and laid the foundations for elections next year. Despite challenges posed by separatist groups and Islamist insurgency, there is hope that the referendum is a step in the right direction

El largo brazo de Washington se extiende por el Sahel africano

La visita del Secretario de Estado estadounidense Antony Blinken a Níger y su oferta de 150 millones de dólares al país africano no ocultan que su principal interés reside en la cooperación en materia de seguridad.

Ibrahim Traore takes over as Burkina Faso’s leader amid worsening crisis and anti-French sentiment

Captain Ibrahim Traore came to power after deposing his senior officer Lt. Col Paul-Henri Damiba in a military coup on September 30. He faces the challenge of rising attacks by Islamist groups which have taken over 40% of the country’s territory

Charting the rise of anti-French sentiment across Northern Africa

Anti-French sentiment has increasingly been on the rise across the Sahel and North Africa due to its role in destabilizing the region with military interventions