OMICRON Research bolsters studies on Omicron’s triple vaccine-evading capacity

Recent research bolsters earlier studies which showed that Omicron has an extraordinary capacity of evading vaccine protection. The Omicron variant is far more expert in evading vaccine immunity than Delta

Africa covid As vaccinations lag behind, COVID-19 cases exceed 9.2 million in Africa

To understand the systemic issues hampering Africa’s efforts against the pandemic, Peoples Dispatch interviewed Dr. Ahmed Kalebi, president of the East African Division of International Academy of Pathology (IAP), and members of the People’s Health Movement, Prof. Leslie London and senior lecturer Lauren Paremoer from the University of Cape Town

Nigeria COVID Nigeria third worst COVID-19-affected African country

According to official data, Nigeria has 6.3% of the COVID-19 cases on the African continent, while South Africa accounts for around 37%. However, Nigeria has conducted only 0.67 tests per 1,000 people, when the figure in South Africa stands at 27.48 tests every 1,000 people