June 29 was observed as a day of commemoration in Swaziland to honor the dozens of people killed by the forces of King Mswati III during the unprecedented anti-monarchist uprising of 2021

King Mswati III has been ruling over the nation since 1986, four years after the death of his father king Sobhuza. 70% of the population languishes in poverty while the king spends billions of dollars every year on personal luxuries

Bongi Nkambule, a Communist Party activist, was allegedly kidnapped by the police while returning from the Manzini court where charges against his comrades, including the former general secretary of the students’ union, were being heard

40 soldiers invaded the home of a Communist Party leader and kidnapped his two children who were held in custody for several hours before being released

Close to two weeks after security forces fired on nurses and teachers ahead of a protest, trade unions in Swaziland determinedly continue their fight for better working conditions, living wages and democratization

Today we look at mobilizations in defense of the Indigenous Wiphala flag in Bolivia, protests for democracy and quality education across schools in Swaziland, and more

Students are demanding a refund of the fees they had paid for hostels as the facilities were not used due to the lockdown. The protesting students were brutalized by the army and are being locked out by the police in Manzini city, but are continuing with the exam boycott