Putin’s message is that any new Western narrative on the war is doomed to meet with the same fate as the previous one unless there is realism that Russia cannot be militarily defeated and its legitimate interests are recognized

The Communist Party of Ukraine has been targeted by successive governments through decommunization laws, smear campaigns, and repression

Russia renewed its ceasefire offer on March 8 after Ukraine refused a similar offer on Monday to provide a humanitarian corridor for millions of Ukrainians stranded inside war zones in Kiev, Kharkiv, Mariupol and other major cities

The war in Ukraine is the latest escalation in a decades-long conflict. What brought about this situation?

A closer look at what is behind the expansion of NATO in Eastern Europe and how this has fueled a climate of war

Russia is not impressed that European leaders are making a beeline for Moscow and sees a strategy to wear it down in inconsequential diplomatic gyrations

What really matters most for Moscow would be the myriad ways in which Beijing can mitigate the effect of any harsh western sanctions