The classified documents leaked from the US Department of Defense recently have yet again exposed how it spies on even its close allies and violates their sovereignty to pursue its own interests

While the agreement, in which TPLF has accepted disarmament, has been welcomed for bringing the civil war to an end, critics warn of the dangers of concessions made to the rebel group by the federal government

Dismissing the AU-led peace negotiations, the TPLF called for Western intervention in Ethiopia before resuming the war on August 24. This ended the five-month long truce with Ethiopia’s federal government, weeks after envoys from the US and EU visited its base.

For the first time in human history, the number of forcibly displaced people in the world has crossed 100 million.

According to the UNHRC, due to the rise in wars and violence globally, the number of people forcibly displaced has more than doubled since 2012. The numbers are almost equally divided between those internally displaced and refugees