Donald Trump has renewed his proposal to claim Greenland, highlighting US expansionist ambitions in the Arctic

The COP29 showed once again that global north countries have no interest in addressing their extensive role in the climate crisis and instead offer false solutions that further disadvantage countries in the Global South.

Activists across Africa continue to mobilize against the expansion of extractive activities by energy giants Shell and Total in the region. Uganda has recently witnessed a series of student-led protests which have brought global attention to the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) project

Environmental, health, and human rights activists deplored the actions of extractive corporations in Africa, who exploit natural resources and sow poverty and disease, during a People’s Health Tribunal

Environmental lawyer Steven Donziger is widely known for representing thousands of Ecuadorian villagers in a multi-billion corporate pollution lawsuit against Chevron

About a third of the world’s lithium comes from Chile. The needs of the people of Chile seem to only come after the needs of the large corporations.

Strengthening the health system and addressing social and environmental determinants of health ranked high among the demands of the national strike in Ecuador, yet provisional agreement with government leaves it unclear if advances will be made

Environmental activists from the Guapinol village in northern Honduras had been arbitrarily detained since 2019 for protesting against a mining project

After five days of anti-mining protests across Argentina’s Chubut province, the provincial governor repealed the law that paved the way for mega-mining in the province, and gave the call for a plebiscite to decide on this matter

Lawyer Steven Donziger was sentenced to jail by a federal judge despite a UN working group having found his detention to be in violation of international law

Social movements that work with those affected by the sector’s activities believe the plan threatens indigenous people and weakens laws

Vijay Prashad explores the role of multinational companies in the deepening social, economic and political crisis in Mozambique