Around 120 members of NUMSA employed by South African transporter PUTCO, who were suspended following an unprotected strike in 2022 over a wage dispute, have been subject to undignified conditions including a lack of access to decent toilets at the company’s depots.

Teachers and their unions have been demanding basic wages at par with the average wage in the country and reduction in non-academic work. Unions held a massive rally in Belgrade on September 24 to press these demands

The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) went on strike at the Impala Platinum mines in Rustenburg this week. Among the key demands raised by the workers is an end to exploitation by labor contractors

Today we look at an investigation into racism in the Minneapolis Police Department (US), protests against the Capital Control law in Lebanon, and more

Today we look at how investors are driving border violence and the climate crisis, the acquittal of an Australian policeman in the murder of an Indigenous teen, and more

Today we look at new threats facing Wet’suwet’en water protectors in Canada, the killing of a Palestinian man by Israeli forces in the West Bank, and more

Today we look at the protest for debt relief by taxi drivers in New York City, the 19 year long wrongful imprisonment of Ahmed Rabbani by the U.S., and more

Today we look at a bill to decriminalize abortion tabled in Chile’s congress, a report on alleged sexual abuse during the WHO’s response to an Ebola outbreak in the DRC, and more

Today we look at new evidence in the disappearance of 43 Ayotzinapa students in Mexico, the strike announced by NUMSA in South Africa’s engineering sector, and more

Today we look at an upcoming strike by workers at Chile’s Escondida mine, the dispute between unions and employers amid wage talks in South Africa, and more

Today we look at the latest on the national strike in Colombia, a strike for better pay and staffing by health workers in New Zealand, and more

Thousands of nurses, midwives and similar healthcare professionals working in hospitals operated by the 20 District Health Boards will be on an eight-hour strike action on June 9, protesting low wage rates and understaffing