In today’s episode of the Daily Round-up we look at a report by Friends of the Earth and Transnational Institute on BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street’s holdings in corporations responsible for fossil fuels, agribusiness, and private prisons; the acquittal of Australian police officer Zachary Rolfe for the fatal shooting of a 19 year old Indigenous teenager, Kumanjayi Walker, during a violent arrest attempt in 2019; the NUM and AMCU-led strike by workers at the Stillwater Sibanye gold mines in South Africa to demand better wages; and the 1 day protest action by 40,000 educators in Slovenia to demand that the government adjust wages according to inflation and COVID-19 risks.
Report: World’s biggest investors fuel border violence, deforestation and other stories
Today we look at how investors are driving border violence and the climate crisis, the acquittal of an Australian policeman in the murder of an Indigenous teen, and more