Cómo Cuba enfrenta la devastación del huracán Ian

El día antes de que el huracán Ian tocara tierra en Cuba, 50.000 personas fueron evacuadas y llevadas a 55 refugios. El 1 de octubre, menos de cinco días después de tocar tierra, el 82% de los habitantes de La Habana habían recuperado el suministro eléctrico, y se seguía trabajando en la parte occidental de la isla.

How Cuba is dealing with the devastation of Hurricane Ian

The day before Hurricane Ian hit Cuba, 50,000 people were evacuated and taken to 55 shelters. By October 1, less than five days after landfall, 82% of the residents of Havana had their power restored with work ongoing for the western part of the island

Cuba leads heroic recovery effort

Containment operations have been ongoing in Matanzas with the critical on the ground assistance and aid provided by Mexico and Venezuela.

Sanctions fuel the fire at Cuba’s Matanzas oil storage

The US blockade of Cuba fuels the fire that rages on in the country, despite denials by authorities in the United States.

“Cuba is our neighbor!” campaign urges Biden to lift sanctions

Prominent figures across the US left have signed an open letter demanding that Biden lift sanctions on Cuba to facilitate humanitarian aid after Matanzas fire