Some countries also extended their solidarity with the Palestinian people and condemned the Israeli war in Gaza during the virtual meeting

La guerra de Israel contra los palestinos en Gaza ha cambiado toda la ecuación y ha paralizado el corredor económico India-Oriente Medio-Europa. Ahora es inconcebible que Arabia Saudita y los Emiratos Árabes Unidos inicien un proyecto de este tipo con los israelíes.

Israel’s war on the Palestinians in Gaza has changed the entire equation and stalled the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor. It is now inconceivable for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to enter such a project with the Israelis

After the conclusion of the recent G20 meeting in New Delhi, health rights activists and researchers point out some of the gaps in the final declaration

The “consensus” evolved at the G20 summit last week regarding Ukraine war is, in reality, a passing moment in the geopolitical struggle between the US and Russia, as embedded within it is the existential crisis Russia faces

The West’s disregard of concerns from the Global South on reforms of international financial institutions and climate change, as well as attempts to use the forum for geopolitical gains, has made consensus elusive

Economist Dr Biswajit Dhar talks about what to expect from the forthcoming G20 summit being held in Delhi, India. He says the rhetoric about gains to developing countries from the G20 summits is hype

The strong likelihood is that the forthcoming G-20 event in Delhi this weekend may turn out to be the last waltz of its kind between the cowboys of the Western world and the increasingly restless Global South