Ecuador in crisis: five points to understand a country broken by neoliberalism

Some clues to unravel how in a few years Ecuador went from being a peaceful country to becoming a territory governed by organized crime.

New wave of violence in Ecuador’s prisons leaves 19 inmates dead in four days

According to official data, 442 prisoners have been killed in different massacres in prisons since January 2021

No end in sight for Ecuador’s prison crisis

A riot took place in Ecuador’s Bellavista prison following the latest massacre of 44 inmates on Monday May 9. Human rights organizations have called on the government to address structural problems facing the penitentiary system

Ecuador’s neoliberal government announces state emergency to impose austerity

The declaration of a state of emergency by Guillermo Lasso is more likely about quelling opposition than guaranteeing security for Ecuadorians

State of exception declared following massacre inside prison

Ecuadorian authorities stated that 116 were killed in the massacre in the Litoral penitentiary, making it the worst in the country’s history

Ecuador declares state of emergency in prisons after over a hundred killed in riots

At least 116 inmates were killed in the latest prison riot in Ecuador on September 28 and around 80 were gravely injured. The violent confrontation was the bloodiest massacre in the prison system of the country

Rafael Correa will run for vice-presidency of Ecuador in 2021 general elections

Former president Rafael Correa announced that he will run alongside economist Andrés Arauz in the upcoming general elections in Ecuador, but considerable obstacles to their participation in the upcoming elections remain

Vice-president of Ecuador Otto Sonnenholzner resigns

Sonnenholzner was the third vice president of Lenín Moreno during his four years in office

Not only to stay alive, but to stay human: An interview with Pavel Égüez

Designer Tings Chak spoke at length with Ecuadorian artist Pavel Égüez about revolutionary art, the crisis of capitalism and his series ‘Cuarentena’ which seeks to address the human suffering provoked by the COVID-19 pandemic

Ecuadorians resist government’s attempt to push through neoliberal reforms

Trade unions and movements allege that Moreno is taking advantage of the crisis generated by COVID-19 pandemic to advance with the regressive economic reforms ordered by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

University students and professors in Ecuador protest against budget cuts

The neoliberal government of President Lenín Moreno announced a budget cut of around 100 million USD in the public higher education sector in response to the economic crisis aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic in the country

Rafael Correa terms prison sentence an act of political persecution

Rafael Correa was sentenced to eight years in prison on bribery and corruption charges. The former president condemned the verdict and called it a measure to prevent him from running in the 2021 presidential elections