International humanitarian law
UK arms to Saudi coalition in Yemen UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia face high court challenge 

The Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) has sought a judicial review of the UK government’s decision to resume arms sales to Saudi Arabia in 2020 despite evidence of serious violations of international law, including civilian killings, in Yemen 

Colombian defense minister calls minors killed by army “war machines”

The declarations of defense minister Diego Molano on national media to justify the actions of the military in the Guaviare department last week have provoked widespread condemnation from social and political sectors

UK-Saudi arms sale UK to resume arms sales to Saudi Arabia despite concerns on Yemen

The UK has supplied Saudi Arabia with at least 5.3 million British pounds worth of arms and ammunition since March 2015, when the Saudi-led coalition decided to militarily intervene in Yemen

Nine massacred in the Catatumbo region in Colombia

A group of armed men opened fire on the peasants at the town center of El Tarra municipality