International Union of Left Publishers (IULP)
176 years since the Communist Manifesto was published, socialists around the world celebrate “Red Books Day”

Socialists across the globe in countries such as India, Brazil, and the United States celebrate the Manifesto and all “Red Books” that shaped the world

Books are not a crime! Solidarity with Toko Buku Rakyat in Malaysia

The International Union of Left Publishers expresses solidarity with the Toko Buku Rakyat bookstore that suffered a raid by officers looking for “The Communist Manifesto”

Editoriales de izquierda del mundo piden la liberación del preso palestino Walid Daqqah

La campaña internacional para exigir que Israel libere al escritor y activista palestino se ha intensificado ante el deterioro de su salud.

Left publishers from across the globe call for release of Palestinian prisoner Walid Daqqah

The international campaign to call on Israel to release the Palestinian writer and activist has intensified in response to his declining health

La Unión Internacional de Editoriales de Izquierda se solidariza con la poeta cubana Nancy Morejón y condena el ataque del festival literario francés

El Mercado de la Poesía de París (Marché de la Poésie) retiró el estatuto de presidenta de honor a la poeta, ensayista e intelectual cubana Nancy Morejón. La Unión Internacional de Editores de Izquierda declaró que la decisión iba en contra de todos los principios de la libertad de expresión y de ideas.

International Union of Left Publishers stands in solidarity with Cuban poet Nancy Morejón, condemns attack by French literary festival

The Paris Poetry Market (Marché de la Poésie) withdrew the status of honorary president from Cuban poet, essayist, and intellectual Nancy Morejón. The International Union of Left Publishers said the decision went against all principles of freedom of expression and of ideas

Renowned poet Nancy Morejón uninvited from festival in latest anti-Cuba attack

A prestigious poetry festival in Paris canceled the designation of honorary president to renowned Cuban poet Nancy Morejón

Ruth_First The enduring significance of Ruth First’s life and words 

The International Union of Left Publishers has released a collection of five essays written by Ruth First, a leading communist, anti-apartheid activist, and journalist, who was assassinated by the white supremacist South African regime in 1982