Julius Malema
Uncertainty reigns as results continue to trickle in from South Africa’s general elections

Millions of people voted in South Africa’s national and provincial election amid widespread concerns about the economy and violence

Los sudafricanos aumentan la presión sobre el gobierno para que rompa sus lazos con el “apartheid israelí”

Mientras Sudáfrica demanda una investigación de la CPI sobre los crímenes de guerra israelíes, voces de todo el país exigen que se tomen medidas, incluida la ruptura de lazos con Israel.

South Africans increase pressure on government to sever ties with “Apartheid Israel”

While South Africa has demanded an ICC probe into Israeli war crimes, voices from across the country are demanding action, including breaking of ties

South African elections: ANC hangs on to power despite poorest performance since 94

While the biggest opposition party, the centrist DA also suffered a modest loss, the populist EFF improved its vote share by over 4%