Laura Capote
Will the outcome of the US elections impact Latin America and the Caribbean?

The Monroe Doctrine has dictated US policy on Latin America for 201 years, yet in the upcoming elections, analysts say that while imperialism drives both their policies, there are still differences between Trump and Harris.

Ahead of III CELAC-EU Summit, movements from both continents build People’s Summit

Movements from Latin America and Europe have joined hands to hold the 2023 People’s Summit which will run parallel to the CELAC-EU Heads of State Summit

ALBA Movements’ assembly kicks off in Argentina

Over 250 delegates from across Latin America, the Caribbean and the world are participating in the third assembly of the platform of people’s movements

Entrevista a referentes del ALBA, a días del comienzo de la asamblea continental

Lee en inglés aqui La articulación continental ALBA Movimientos celebrará su tercera asamblea continental en Buenos Aires, Argentina desde el 27 de abril hasta el 1 de mayo. La plataforma compuesta por movimientos populares a lo largo y ancho de las Américas, espera más de 200 delegadas y delegados para discutir el momento político actual en la región y el mundo, evaluar el trabajo del último período y analizar las … Read more…

Amid global uncertainty, ALBA Movements forges unity and hope

The continental platform of social movements will hold its third continental assembly in Buenos Aires, Argentina, to analyze the current situation and define strategies for the next period.