Australia es una de las piedras angulares del proyecto imperial estadounidense, con su extracción de minerales, su ejército fortificado y su servilismo a la corona británica.

Australia is one of the cornerstones of the US imperial project, with its mineral extraction, fortified military, and subservience to the British crown.

Following the coup against Pedro Castillo, the people of Peru took to the streets en masse to demand his restitution and the resignation of Boluarte

The pre-candidate for president of Unión por la Patria, Juan Grabois, and the former president of Bolivia call for the nationalization of natural resource

Since assuming office, President President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, popularly known as AMLO, has taken significant steps in strengthening Mexico’s sovereignty and challenging the hegemony of the United States. His administration has also made enormous strides in uplifting poor and working people in Mexico

The protests in the province intensified after a new constitution was passed in the provincial legislature which Indigenous and social movements allege undermines people’s rights

The Argentine vice president also called for coordination between public and private sectors to regulate strategic natural resources, and renewal of the democratic pact established after the last civil-military dictatorship

Chile’s President Gabriel Boric has proposed the creation of a state-owned company which will eventually take over the lithium mining sector from private industry giants. The Latin American country has one of the world’s largest lithium reserves and is the second largest producer of the metal globally, after Australia

The move to privatize one of the country’s key strategic resources has been widely rejected by Indigenous community and left movements

On March 18, Mexicans are marking 85 years since the decision to expropriate oil resources from foreign companies. This comes at a time when Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has nationalized the country’s lithium and has promised energy self-sufficiency by 2024

In today’s episode, we look at Palestinian campaign to resist Israeli persecution, Mexican president nationalizing lithuim, Israeli attacks on Syria and anti-war groups protest against Munich security conference

About a third of the world’s lithium comes from Chile. The needs of the people of Chile seem to only come after the needs of the large corporations.