Unregulated and illegally run mines, lack of safety equipment, and targeted attacks by militia groups continue to prove deadly for coal miners in Pakistan

Union leaders blame institutional apathy and continued reliance on the contract system for the deaths more than forty miners in the last three months in the southwestern Balochistan province

Despite harsh weather, thousands from Shia Hazara community continued to protest, refusing to bury the dead while demanding justice for the victims who were killed on Saturday

The incident was triggered by a rockslide at a marble quarry in the Mohmand district. Casualties are expected to rise as dozens remain trapped under the debris

The disaster occurred in northern Kachin State’s Hpakant township and was triggered by heavy rainstorm. The number of deaths is expected to rise as scores of miners remain missing

A number of coal miners’ death incidents were reported this January from across Pakistan, the latest being from the southwestern province of Boluchistan’s Duki where one coal miner was killed after being hit by a trolley