New Cold War
Impeached South Korean president Yoon Suk Yeol arrested over martial law decree

Yoon Suk Yeol, South Korea’s first sitting president to be arrested, is under investigation over his martial law decree in December 2024.

Sovereignty, modernization, and cooperation championed at Global South Academic Forum in Shanghai

The forum concluded: “Without socialism, independence movements among weaker nations during the imperialist era cannot address issues of new and old colonialism”

El Poder Popular Nacional de Sri Lanka arrasa en las elecciones generales

El PNP tendrá que aprovechar el movimiento multipolar insurgente en el Sur Global para construir un frente unido contra la deuda y el imperialismo.

Sri Lanka’s National People’s Power sweeps general election

The NPP will have to tap into the insurgent multipolar movement in the Global South in order to build a united front against debt and imperialism

US recruits South Korea to help colonize and militarize space

Activists from struggles across South Korea hold first national gathering opposing the Yoon administration’s NewSpace program due to its destructive military, economic, and environmental costs

Cómo Australia ayuda a los EE.UU. a desestabilizar Asia

A medida que Estados Unidos intensifica su guerra fría contra China, Australia ha sido uno de sus principales socios en el aumento de la presión, a pesar de sus fuertes vínculos económicos con China.

How Australia helps the US destabilize Asia

As the US ramps up its Cold War against China, Australia has been one of its key partners in increasing pressure, despite its strong economic links with China.

La OTAN acelera su conflicto con China

Poco después de que las tropas rusas entraran en Ucrania, Wang Wenbin, del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de China, dijo que “la soberanía y la integridad territorial de todos los países deben ser respetadas y defendidas”. Esto es precisamente lo contrario de animar a la guerra

NATO accelerates its conflict with China

Shortly after Russian troops entered Ukraine, China’s Wang Wenbin of the Foreign Ministry said that “all countries’ sovereignty and territorial integrity should be respected and upheld.” This is precisely the opposite of cheerleading for the war

Mainstream media reignites “Chinese Spy Base” accusations against Cuba

US corporate media giant The Wall Street Journal has once again leveled accusations that Cuba is hosting Chinese spy bases

Estados Unidos reúne a la Escuadra contra China

Estados Unidos ha relanzado su alianza de cooperación militar bajo el nuevo nombre de “el Escuadrón”, pero con el mismo objetivo: contrarrestar y “contener” a China.

Tiktok ban signed into law

Funding package signed by Biden that will ban Tiktok and provide USD 95 billion to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan