G7 countries will have 1.2 billion vaccines available for donation by the end of 2021 even after maintaining booster shot campaigns for all adults
The Narendra Modi government in India chose to believe that it had defeated the pandemic, and therefore the slow pace of its vaccination program posed no problems
Journalist Aunindyo Chakravarty busts the myths regarding vaccine hesitancy in India and talks about how it is in fact poor planning that has led to the crisis in this process
China and India are the only two major countries that have been willing to export vaccines while also vaccinating their own people. Meanwhile, to rich countries, the billions of dollars of vaccine market for Big Pharma far outweigh the benefits of saving millions of lives
The COVID-19 pandemic demands that all nations cooperate to vaccinate the entire global population. The usual rules of which countries win and which ones lose do not operate in this civilizational crisis
Dr. Satyajit Rath talks about the progress of different vaccination campaigns and how the vaccines are faring against the different COVID variants.
The me-first policy on vaccine sharing will bring losses of $203 billion to $5 trillion to rich countries, while the returns are the highest if they support global universal vaccination