Trump’s recent executive order detailing “Additional Measures to Combat Anti-Semitism” is denounced as an attack on free speech

Trade unions, solidarity groups, and human rights organizations in Belgium mobilized 13,000 people in Brussels, demanding authorities to take the lead in holding Israel accountable for genocide

According to a human rights group, Swiss authorities may be preparing to deport Abunimah following his detention on Saturday

Efforts to suppress academic freedom and Palestine solidarity persist in Germany, with Frankfurt university attempting to obstruct an international conference on critical discourse about Palestine

A first hand account from a solidarity activist and San Francisco mom putting her body on the line for Palestine

Hundreds march in Jersey City, demanding that Danish shipping company Maersk stop shipping military cargo to Israel

Students and faculty at the elite university, banned from campus and denied annual pay raises, vow to keep fighting back

Organizations pledge to keep fighting attempts to sanction pro-Palestine activity without evidence or due process

Peoples Dispatch spoke to Dr. Hassan Abdel Salam, director of the Abandon Harris Campaign, which seeks to draw votes away from Harris in key swing states

To break out of the racial capitalist patriarchy is to practice feminist values in our everyday lives. Anti-war organization CODEPINK proposes moving from the war economy to the peace economy.

Thunberg has gone from an left-liberal establishment icon to a danger flagged by the state—all due to pro-Palestine activism

Thousands marched in Havana to denounce Israeli genocide in a demonstration organized by the Young Communist League of Cuba