After spending six years in jail without trial, Indian activists Rona Wilson and Sudhir Dhawle were finally granted bail.

Khan and his party PTI have maintained that most of cases against him are politically motivated to keep him away from power by the current government and the military establishment combined.

Organizations pledge to keep fighting attempts to sanction pro-Palestine activity without evidence or due process

The interim government in Bangladesh has now arrested at least five journalists and filed cases of murder and crimes against humanity against dozens of others

Khan has been imprisoned for over a year now, despite courts either suspending or overturning all of his prior convictions

Critics speak of a reduction in fundamental rights and many wonder what and who will be the next targets of such moves

El Frente Polisario por la libertad del pueblo saharaui continúa la lucha armada contra Marruecos, que utiliza programas espía israelíes y atrae a Occidente con oportunidades comerciales para que haga la vista gorda ante la ocupación del Sáhara Occidental. Muchos saharauis ven una nueva esperanza en un nuevo orden mundial multipolar que no esté dominado por los Estados Unidos y Occidente.

Mass organizations in Argentina denounced the police raids as political persecution by the right-wing government and said they were in an attempt to crush the opposition to Milei’s anti-people policies

Wednesday’s sentencing is the third for the former prime minister of Pakistan who has alleged that he is being persecuted by the army and political class in response to pressure from the US

The SP leader has faced repeated arrests in the preceding months as the party remains a leading voice against the neoliberal policies of the Zambian government

Republican Senator Josh Hawley successfully pushed a resolution through the Senate, denouncing pro-Palestine student organizing

Gamal Ziada, father of journalist Ahmed Gamal Ziada, was arrested on charges of spreading fake news. Over 300 individuals and groups have demanded his immediate release and an end to attacks on freedom of expression and the press