Red Books Day
176 years since the Communist Manifesto was published, socialists around the world celebrate “Red Books Day”

Socialists across the globe in countries such as India, Brazil, and the United States celebrate the Manifesto and all “Red Books” that shaped the world

Red Books Day 2023: Fight the rise of the right, read a red book

The day is celebrated in dozens of countries to mark the anniversary of the publication of the Communist Manifesto and to collectively stand up against the rise of the right

Red Books Day celebrated internationally to mark 173 years since the publication of ‘The Communist Manifesto’

On February 21, 1948 the Manifesto of the Communist Party written by Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels was first published in the UK. The book is recognized as one of the most influential in the history of humankind and it has been translated in almost all languages in the world.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro on ‘The Communist Manifesto’

As part of the international celebration of Red Books Day, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro discusses the importance of the document today and reads excerpts from the groundbreaking text

The “spectre of communism” haunts the world: 172 years of the Communist Manifesto

Tens of thousands of people in Asia, Africa, Latin America and North America publicly read the Communist Manifesto to commemorate the 172nd year since its first publication in 1848.

“It was like each edition of the Communist Manifesto called out to the other”

As thousands take part in reading the Communist Manifesto as part of Red Books Day, here is an interview with Adelaide Gonçalves of the Plebeu Gabinete de Leitura, a social library which has 201 editions of the Communist Manifesto

Red Books Day Standing up for Left Literature — in India, it can cost you your life

Red Books Day is about standing up to fascism and standing up for our own intellectual development