Russia Today
US accuses Russian media of involvement in “foreign malign influence operation” in upcoming presidential elections

The US has alleged that Russia is attempting “to influence the 2024 Presidential Election” and has announced its response

Las provocaciones del Departamento de Estado estadounidense pueden coartar la libertad de prensa en América Latina

El 3 de mayo de 2023, el Comité de Relaciones Exteriores de Estados Unidos celebró una audiencia sobre “Las guerras globales de información: ¿Estados Unidos está ganando o perdiendo?”

Provocations by the US State Department can chill press freedom in Latin America

On May 3, 2023, the US Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing on “The Global Information Wars: Is the US Winning or Losing?”

Lee Camp on censoring anti-war voices

As the world moves dangerously close to global violent conflict, anti-war journalists have been banned and censored in Europe and the US. One of these banned voices, Lee Camp, discusses the development and why it is so dangerous

Racism, hypocrisy, and lies: What to watch out for in Western media coverage of Ukraine

Can English-language news outlets change largely anti-war public opinion by beating the drums of war between two nuclear powers?

Russia-Ukraine talks begin in Belarus amid growing international pressure on Russia

In an assault on free speech and freedom of the press, the European Union announced a ban on Russia Today (RT) and Sputnik news channels on Sunday after accusing them of spreading “toxic and harmful disinformation in Europe”

Due to US coercive measures, DirecTV’s operations suspended in Venezuela

The transmission of more than 300 TV and radio channels has been suspended, affecting the right to information of millions of Venezuelans