As the war in Ukraine crossed two years, progressives are calling for a ceasefire and for negotiations to end the conflict
In less than a month, the US has signed three separate defense agreements with countries like Sweden, Finland, and Denmark, to ramp up the militarization in the Nordic region
Attacks on Soviet monuments in Eastern Europe have become a regular affair as right-wing governments have initiated de-communization drives. These campaigns have intensified after the Ukraine war broke out
Șor, which has six MPs in the current parliament, is a pro-Russian conservative populist party that has been organizing fierce protests against the government’s attempts to integrate Moldova into the European Union (EU) and its failure to tackle the ongoing cost of living crisis in the country
On May 15, the head of the Moldovan parliament, Igor Grosu, announced the initiation of Moldova’s withdrawal from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States, a political and economic cooperation forum founded by the post-Soviet Republics
Soviet red flags were raised in Victory Day celebrations across Europe, despite a ban on the display of Soviet and Russian flags in several countries including Germany
Russophobia has spiked across Europe as the Russia-NATO war in Ukraine continues. Right-wing groups and governments in Eastern Europe have intensified their attempts at decommunization
To distract attention from the economic and political crisis in the country, the incumbent Party of Action and Solidarity (PAS) has appointed pro-Western economist Dorin Recean as the new prime minister of the country
The Monument to the Liberators at the Victory Park in Latvian capital Riga was demolished under the orders of the right-wing government on August 25
The Victory Day celebrations were held even as anti-communist and anti-Russian sections across Europe have been trying to undermine the role of the Soviet Union in defeating the Nazi Germany during World War II
As the world moves dangerously close to global violent conflict, anti-war journalists have been banned and censored in Europe and the US. One of these banned voices, Lee Camp, discusses the development and why it is so dangerous
The hearing on the appeal of socialist leader and ex-diplomat Algirdas Paleckis has been postponed for the second time. He has been convicted on charges of ‘espionage on behalf of Russia’