Concerns remain about the life of Egyptian activist Alaa Abdel Fattah who had escalated his hunger strike 10 days ago. His family on Monday received a letter indicating he was alive

Alaa’s family members and human rights groups have urged the leaders participating in the ongoing UN climate conference, COP27, to pressurize the Egyptian government to release all political prisoners

Alaa has been on hunger strike since April 2, raising the issue of his deteriorating health. His family members and other activists have demanded immediate international intervention to secure his release

Seif was convicted on March 17 on charges including “spreading fake news”, “using social media to terrorize people” and “disturbing state peace and security” after being held in pre-trial detention since June 2020

Today we look at attacks by Israeli forces and settlers on villages around Nablus, the conviction of a police officer for the murder of Daunte Wright in the US, and more

In today’s episode we take a look at the shooting in the Atlanta, US, the sentencing of prominent Egyptian activist Sanaa Seif, campaign asking the Canadian government cancel a drone deal with an Israeli company, and the development plans of the left government in Kerala, Indian ahead of the elections

Sanaa Seif was prosecuted and sentenced on charges of spreading fake news, “disturbing security and peace and disrupting the institutions of the state from their work” and “insulting a police officer”

Sanaa Seif has been held in pre-trial detention since June for protesting the illegal detention of her brother, activist Alaa Abdel Fattah. She was abducted from outside the prosecutor general’s office where she had gone to file a complaint