At a time when Israel’s shipping through Red Sea has been blocked by Ansarallah in Yemen, control over the coast of Somaliland to its south across the Gulf of Aden, has become strategically crucial for Western powers, Elias Amare, former editor of HOA TV, told Peoples Dispatch in an interview

With its decision to hand over a part of the breakaway territory to Ethiopia, separatist Somaliland’s regime could lose the support of its main pro-secession base

Scores were killed on April 1 while defending Las Anod—the city at the heart of movement to reunify the region with Somalia—from attacks by the separatist Somaliland army

Attacks by Somaliland, a breakaway region of Somalia whose sovereignty claim has no international recognition, have caused over 1,500 injuries since February 6 in Las Anod, which is at the heart of the movement to reunify the Sool, Sanaag and Cayn (SSC) with Somalia

The attack on Las Anod, the epicenter of unionist protests, began at the conclusion of the conference declaring the Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn (SSC) region a part of Somalia

Mientras Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido legitiman cada vez más el régimen secesionista de Somalilandia, cuya soberanía no goza de reconocimiento internacional, un movimiento unificador que busca una Somalia unida amenaza con desintegrar la república autoproclamada.

Even as the US and UK are increasingly legitimizing secessionist rule in Somaliland, whose sovereignty has no international recognition, a unionist movement seeking a united Somalia threatens to unravel the self-declared republic