While the employees of Airchefs have not received their salaries since October, those working with SAA Technical have received only part of their salaries for nearly a year and none for March. NUMSA has taken up their case with the authorities
The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa and the South African Cabin Crew Association made the demand after the National Treasury under Tito Mboweni announced that no money would be allotted for South African Airways which faces liquidation
The spokesperson of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa said that the real intention behind Comair opting for business rescue could be to continue with its retrenchment plans under the guise of dealing with the lockdown
The unions are appealing to a higher court after a labor court ruled against the their application seeking an interdiction against SAA’s decision to close 11 routes. The unions are arguing that it will lead to retrenchments