Las partes beligerantes de Sudán continúan sus bombardeos mientras miles de cadáveres se pudren en las calles y más de 20 millones de personas pasan hambre

Miles de personas han muerto y más de cuatro millones han sido desplazadas por la guerra entre militares y paramilitares sudaneses, país que va a entrar en su quinto mes sin signos de tregua. Sólo 18 de los 89 principales hospitales del país funcionan, y sólo parcialmente.

Sudan’s warring parties continue bombardment as thousands of corpses rot on the streets and over 20 million face hunger 

Thousands have been killed and over four million displaced by the war between Sudan’s military and paramilitary that is set to enter its fifth month with no signs of respite. Only 18 of the country’s 89 main hospitals are functioning, that too only at partial capacity

Más de 400 muertos y más de 3.500 heridos mientras las fuerzas de seguridad sudanesas siguen enfrentándose en zonas civiles

Los civiles se han visto obligados a atrincherarse en sus casas durante días sin suministro de agua ni electricidad, mientras los combates se suceden con armas cada vez más pesadas

La izquierda sudanesa advierte de que las elecciones en virtud del acuerdo entre la junta militar y la derecha legitimaría el golpe de Estado

La junta militar que gobierna Sudán y los partidos políticos de derechas han firmado un acuerdo marco para establecer un gobierno de transición y celebrar nuevas elecciones. El Partido Comunista de Sudán ha afirmado que este acuerdo excluirá a millones de personas y legitimará el régimen golpista.

Sudan’s emergency has been ‘lifted’ but protesters continue to face repression

While international bodies, including the EU and UN, have welcomed the lifting of the state of emergency, little has changed on the ground, according to pro-democracy activists

ICC on Yemen war crimes ICC asked to investigate Saudi-led coalition’s war crimes in Yemen

While leading coalition members Saudi Arabia and UAE are not signatories to the Rome Statute of the ICC, others which have participated in numerous human rights violations and crimes against humanity, fall under the ICC’s jurisdiction, opening up the possibility of investigation and prosecution

Palestinians hold solidarity marathon for Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan and other stories

Today we look at mobilisations by Palestinians in the Occupied Territories, the inquiry into Joyce Echaquan’s death and the Canadian government’s MMIWG action plan, and more

Sudan may see renewed protests after the killing of two youth by soldiers

Two were killed and 37 others were wounded on May 11 when soldiers opened fire at a demonstration outside the army HQ, demanding justice for the protesters slain in the massacre on June 3, 2019

Protestors demand justice for victims of Ramadan 29 massacre in Sudan and other stories

Today we look at the violent crackdown on protestors in Khartoum, Israel’s bombardment of Gaza and protests by Palestinians, and more

World Press Freedom Day: “Tyranny is not destiny, freedom has to be achieved”

On World Press Freedom Day, we look at the situation of journalists and of the press in different countries in the Arab-Maghreb region

Death toll rises following violent clashes in West Darfur and other stories

In today’s episode we take a look at the recent reports of violence in the West Darfur state of Sudan, an uprising against inhumane conditions by people incarcerated in a prison facility in the United States, the ongoing violent crackdown on social activists and former FARC combatants in Colombia, and this year’s World Health Day campaign and the demand for vaccine access for all

Civilian casualties to mount as the battle for Mekelle begins in Ethiopia’s northern region

The military conflict between Ethiopia’s federal government and the Tigray regional government, which began on November 4, has already claimed thousands of lives. International agencies have raised concerns over shortages of food and medicine.