We take a look at the latest from the farmers’ struggle, the state of the leather industry in Tamil Nadu and Delhi’s surveillance record. We also look at a new monetization drive by the Indian government and the criticisms of the New Education Policy
Protests took place across France to oppose the recently introduced Global Security bill. This bill criminalizes filming on-duty police officers if they are identifiable and if harm is intended.
Will US foreign policy change significantly under the incoming Biden administration? Vijay Prashad argues that this is unlikely, especially with regard to the Cold War on China
Privacy rights’ activist and software developer Ola Bini talks about the Ecuadorian government’s case against him, the many human rights violations he has faced, and his struggle for justice. He also talks about the importance of digital human rights and privacy.
India’s Personal Data Protection bill provides some protection against big digital companies, but none against big government. The objective is a surveillance state where any criticism of the government would be considered sedition
Free software developer and privacy activist Ola Bini, who is in prison in Ecuador, reflects on the responsibilities of privilege, his commitment to privacy and the risks poses by the rise of surveillance
Newsclick speaks to Y. Kiran Chandra, general secretary of the Free Software Movement of India and noted lawyer Renata Avila about the reasons behind the arrest of software developer and activist Ola Bini in Ecuador.