Senator Joe Manchin went on Fox News last Sunday to announce that he “cannot vote” for the widely popular Build Back Better Act.

Over 1,100 coal workers at the Warrior Met mine in Alabama have been on strike for four months. The protest in New York City was held to put pressure on Warrior Met’s largest shareholder, BlackRock Inc.

Today we look at the 4 month long strike by Warrior Met Coal workers in the US, the fatal shooting of a Palestinian child by Israeli forces in the Occupied West Bank, and more

Today we look at the reports of rising violence and hunger in Tigray, protests by normalista students and police repression in Mexico, and more

Despite hostilities and difficulties faced by the Warrior Met Coal, nearly 1,100 workers in Alabama’s largest metallurgical coal producer have continued their strike for a fair contract to compensate for the sacrifices they made to keep the bankrupt company afloat

Today we look at the rising casualties in the Israeli airstrikes on Gaza, the march for justice for disappeared persons in Mexico, and more

More than 1,100 mine workers at Warrior Met Coal have gone on strike over the company’s failure to reach a consensus with the workers over the new contracts that went into effect on April 1.