US sanctions
SADC reiterates call for “unconditional lifting” of “illegal” US sanctions on Zimbabwe

For over two decades, US-led sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe in retaliation to its land reforms have tolled the toiling farmers and workers of the southern African country.

“Sixty years of sanctions against Cuba have made life extremely difficult for ordinary Cubans”

British-Canadian writer T.K. Hernandez spent 6 years interviewing more than thirty experts in Cuba’s strategic economic sectors

El “sancionador en jefe” Bob Menendez, acusado de corrupción

Piden a Bob Menendez, que encabeza el brutal régimen de sanciones de Estados Unidos contra varias naciones soberanas, que renuncie después de que se presentaran cargos de corrupción contra él

“Sanctioner-in-Chief” Bob Menendez indicted on corruption charges

Bob Menendez, who spearheads the brutal US sanctions regime against several sovereign nations, was asked to resign after corruption charges were filed against him

US sanctions waiver Iran Blnken US waives sanctions to allow transfer of Iranian assets from South Korea

With the waiver, banks in Europe (Switzerland, Ireland, and Germany) will be able to convert the money received from South Korea and transfer it to a bank in Qatar without being subjected to US sanctions. The money will be kept in Qatar for use by Iran to buy non-sanctioned goods from the international market

Zimbabwe elections Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa secures second term amid severe economic crisis 

The polls took place amid worsening conditions for majority of Zimbabweans, in an economy long beleaguered by unilateral sanctions. Zimbabwe was cut off from USD 100 billion in grants, loans, and other kinds of support from international and multilateral sources and further lost an estimated USD 42 billion in revenues between 2001 and 2019. 

Tanker war US-Iran Iran dismisses US allegations of bid to seize two oil tankers near Sea of Oman

The US has been opposed to Iranian attempts to create a regional maritime security alliance in the region, even as it maintains its own naval command base in Bahrain

Iranian President visits Latin America Iranian president visits Latin American countries in an attempt to strengthen multipolar world order  

Ebrahim Raisi is on a five-day state visit to Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua — Latin American countries that have been similarly affected by stringent US sanctions and hegemonic politics 

LGBTQ+ Ugandans face deadly threat as “Anti-Homosexuality Act” signed into law

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has approved an anti-LGBTQ+ law that makes the “offense of homosexuality” punishable by life imprisonment and even death.

Entre la crisis del sector público y las restricciones a la inmigración, los trabajadores sanitarios de Zimbabue tienen pocas opciones

Zimbabue ha anunciado planes para penalizar la contratación en el extranjero de sus trabajadores sanitarios. Más de 4.000 trabajadores sanitarios han abandonado el país desde 2021, mientras el sistema de salud pública sigue enfrentándose a problemas de bajos salarios y falta de infraestructuras.

Zimbabwe health workers Between an ailing public sector and migration curbs, Zimbabwe’s health workers left with few options 

Zimbabwe has announced plans to criminalize the foreign recruitment of its health workers. Over 4,000 health workers have left the country since 2021, as the public health system continues to face issues of low pay and lack of infrastructure 

BRICS new currency Towards de-dollarization: BRICS advances alternative to US-dominated financial system

A senior Russian official indicated that a new currency project might be announced at the upcoming BRICS summit in South Africa. The alliance’s other members—Brazil, China, Russia, and India—have already taken steps to bypass the US-dominated global trade and finance system