Latin American nations have been at the forefront of opposition to Israel’s genocide in Gaza and this has come with a heavy price.
Ahead of the US presidential election, Peoples Dispatch analyzes the continuity between Trump and Biden’s immigration policy
People of the world demand an end to the Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, which has spread to the entire West Asia region with imperialist backing
A video went viral of Venezuelan gang members allegedly terrorizing an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado, distracting from what building residents feared most: their slumlord
Both Biden and Trump continue to uphold sanctions driving mass migration, while punishing migrants at the border
Haitian scholar Camille Chalmers rejects yet another international intervention and says Haiti’s issues have deeper roots which much be addressed
La Revolución Bolivariana, en sus 24 años de existencia ha construido una nueva forma de construcción popular y democrática, todo bajo ataques constantes del imperio.
The Bolivarian Revolution, in its 24 years of existence, has built a new form of popular and democratic construction, all the while resisting constant attacks by the empire
Since assuming office, President President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, popularly known as AMLO, has taken significant steps in strengthening Mexico’s sovereignty and challenging the hegemony of the United States. His administration has also made enormous strides in uplifting poor and working people in Mexico
Ebrahim Raisi is on a five-day state visit to Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua — Latin American countries that have been similarly affected by stringent US sanctions and hegemonic politics
Thousands of migrants, driven by economic warfare waged by the US, find themselves in conditions of despair at the southern US border
Democrats argue that sanctions are contributing to the influx of migrants at the border, who flee economic hardship only to be faced with hostility