Conservative and right-wing sections have organized protests across the country denouncing Sánchez’s negotiations with Catalan and Basque sections

Right-wing groups have been organizing violent protests against the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE)-led acting government’s amnesty plan for Catalan nationalist leaders

The far-right party Vox was projected to receive more support in Sunday’s polls in Spain, which sent fears across the country of the return of fascist politics

The conservative People’s Party led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo were the major winners in the regional and local polls held across Spain on May 28, which were considered a trial run for the general elections scheduled for this year

In response to increasing misogyny and restrictions on reproductive rights, groups within Belgium are pushing back demanding that abortion be allowed within 18 weeks from conception

In the autonomous community of Castilla y León, the far-right Vox party is pushing measures to restrict abortions. There has been widespread opposition to these proposals

A homophobic proposal by the far-right Vox party to repeal pro-LGBTIQ laws in the Madrid Autonomous Community was rejected in the Madrid assembly

The left-wing Galician Nationalist Bloc made a strong comeback in the Galician regional polls held on July 12, increasing its previous tally of 6 seats to 19 seats

Right-wing groups including the Vox and Francoists have organized rallies across Spain protesting the lockdown

The scope and scale of the right-wing resurgence this year shows the urgent need for greater working class mobilizations that can safeguard and deepen democracy and build coalitions

The far right party, Vox, has almost doubled its seat share in the congress from 24 to 52, and has become the third largest force in the Spanish parliament

Barcelona and multiple cities in Spain have been witnessing mass protests. What will it take to bring peace again?