Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
As the US withdraws from Afghanistan, China forges ties with the Taliban
With no end in sight to the internal conflict in Afghanistan, China has been meeting with regional players to build a strategy which seeks to guarantee peace and stability for all
The looming civil war that threatens Afghanistan, Pakistan and China
The great suffering and great waste of social wealth caused due to the war in Afghanistan is set to culminate with the Taliban’s return to power, and with terrorist groups, which are entrenched in parts of Central Asia, making a full return
The US is trying to light the match of Islamic extremism in China’s Xinjiang
The information war now conducted by the US against China centers on Xinjiang. Once again, the US uses longstanding problems—such as the rise of extremism in Central Asia (fueled to some extent by the US since the 1980s)—to create problems for its adversaries