Vijay Prashad talks to rapper and activist Lowkey about the different aspects of neoliberalism that led to the Grenfell tower fire in London in June 2017 which killed 72 people. Lowkey discusses at length the history of the area in which Grenfell is located which shaped the current demography and how neoliberal actions such as deregulations, lack of funding for fire safety, and the overall contempt for the life of the working class eventually caused the disaster. He talks about how this culture of contempt continues to this day in the UK, and across the world. The anger against this contempt reflects in Lowkey’s songs, two of which he talks about in the interview – Ghosts of Grenfell and Iraq2Chile.
From Grenfell to Iraq to Chile: Lowkey on the necro-politics of neoliberalism
Vijay Prashad talks to rapper and activist Lowkey about the different aspects of neoliberalism that led to the Grenfell tower fire in London in June 2017 which killed 72 people.