US bombings of the Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9 of 1945 are the only incidents of nuclear bombings in world history
South Korea’s Supreme Court has upheld lower court orders to two Japanese companies to compensate 11 forced wartime labor victims
If Okinawa is an unsinkable aircraft carrier for the US to wage war, it can also become a bastion for movements to wage peace.
Japanese peace activist Seishi Hinada talks about the policy of militarization pursued by the Fumio Kishida government and the campaign against US bases in Okinawa
The subtle reorientation of Japan towards the Global South and away from US orientations is a sign of the shifting global context
The M1 lander of the Japanese company Ispace is scheduled to be launched this week from Florida’s Cape Canaveral. The company expects it to land on the Moon in March-April 2023
In December, Japan will release a new National Security Strategy, the first since 2014. The country has indicated that it would increase its military budget by 11% a year from now till 2024
The re-election of Denny Tamaki marks the third consecutive gubernatorial election in Okinawa where an anti-US base candidate has won with a clear majority
The Osaka District Court deemed that the ban on same-sex marriage is constitutional. Last year, a petition at the Sapporo District Court ruled the ban unconstitutional
Residents of Iwakuni, which hosts one of the largest US foreign bases, recently announced that they will file a lawsuit that could have wider implications for foreign military bases in Japan
A leaked version of Japan’s yearly text on its foreign policy suggests that its government is taking a tougher stance on its long-standing conflict with Russia
A recent surge of COVID-19 infections in the Okinawa, Hiroshima and Yamaguchi prefectures has been connected to the presence of US military bases in Japan