Abuja Declaration
Nigeria health workers Health workers in Nigeria call for a proactive policy to deal with high emigration rates

Amid mounting challenges, health workers in Nigeria have rallied for reforms and fair treatment, advocating for a strengthened system and increased government action to address high emigration and cost of living

Entre la crisis del sector público y las restricciones a la inmigración, los trabajadores sanitarios de Zimbabue tienen pocas opciones

Zimbabue ha anunciado planes para penalizar la contratación en el extranjero de sus trabajadores sanitarios. Más de 4.000 trabajadores sanitarios han abandonado el país desde 2021, mientras el sistema de salud pública sigue enfrentándose a problemas de bajos salarios y falta de infraestructuras.

Zimbabwe health workers Between an ailing public sector and migration curbs, Zimbabwe’s health workers left with few options 

Zimbabwe has announced plans to criminalize the foreign recruitment of its health workers. Over 4,000 health workers have left the country since 2021, as the public health system continues to face issues of low pay and lack of infrastructure 

Kenya health services Healthcare in Kenya remains elusive due to commercialization

A report by the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights shines light on harmful effects of commercialization of health in Kenya among communities living in informal urban settlements

Civil society organizations criticize World Bank Group for privatization of healthcare

A coalition of organizations fighting for public healthcare services called out the World Bank Group for focusing on investments in private healthcare during the Civil Society Policy Forum

No pause in health workers’ struggles in Nigeria

As health workers’ trade unions in Nigeria call their membership to continue strike action over bad working conditions and missed payments, attempts to limit the space for industrial action persist