Access to Medicines (A2M)
WHO negotiations for Pandemic Treaty extended due to disagreements

WHO members failed to agree on a final version of the new Pandemic Treaty which is to be adopted at the upcoming World Health Assembly in May. Global North countries are resisting calls for suspension of intellectual property claims on essential products, including vaccines

Candidates in India’s election must prioritize health, suggest activists

Health network Jan Swasthya Abhiyan recently launched the People’s Health Manifesto, calling upon all parties running in India’s election to commit to improve the quality and access to care in the country

Access to health summit Access to medicines summit urges for more decisive action against Big Pharma domination

Activists and academics discussed future of the access to medicines movement at the Global Summit on Intellectual Property and Access to Medicines in Istanbul at the end of July

Feminists for a People’s Vaccine: challenging barriers to equitable access 

A newly launched campaign by the Third World Network and Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era highlights the questions of gender-based differences in access to Covid-19 vaccines, medicines, therapeutics and equipment