Warhawk Senator Marco Rubio confirmed as Trump’s Secretary of State

Anti-war organizers call out Rubio’s loyalty to the Israel lobby as Rubio indicates he will pursue additional sanctions against Cuba

A new military strategy of French neo-colonialism in Africa: reorganizing under the cover retreat

Left parties of West Africa warn that announcements by France-backed regimes in its former African colonies about the withdrawal of its troops is an attempt to deceive the anti-imperialist movement by hiding its military presence from public view.

The anti-imperialist upsurge in the Sahel is irreversible, say leaders at historic conference in Niamey

Hundreds gather in Niamey, Niger for opening day of a historic conference in solidarity with the people of the Sahel

Niger to host conference in solidarity with the Sahel amid its anti-imperialist upsurge

Activists from across Africa and the world will gather in Niger from November 19 to 21 for the “Conference in Solidarity with the Peoples of the Sahel”.

The rise of China and the Global South is part of a century-long process

The latest dossier from Tricontinental discusses the roots of the movement in the Global South for a just international order, and the attempt of the Global North to suppress the rise the periphery which challenges its hegemonic structures.

A year of struggle for Palestine in the belly of the beast

October 7, 2023 marked a turning point in the Palestinian struggle for liberation and the global solidarity movement.

Hundreds protest NATO Summit in Washington, DC

Anti-war organizations and activists gathered by the hundreds in Washington, DC to protest the upcoming NATO Summit, to be held in US capital

Activists to protest NATO Summit in Washington

NATO Summit to take place in US capital as the United States provides unconditional support for Israeli genocide

Anti-war organizers on the Pacific coast protest US military exercises

Cancel RIMPAC and Resist NATO coalitions denounce US-led military exercises taking place in Hawai’i

Thousands march in Berlin for annual Luxmeburg-Liebknecht demo

Security forces arrested dozens of pro-Palestine activists who marched in the Luxmeburg-Liebknecht demonstration in Berlin on January 14. The annual demonstration commemorates the martyrdom of communist leaders Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht

Blanca Eekhout: Venezuela y la construcción de democracia bajo asedio

La Revolución Bolivariana, en sus 24 años de existencia ha construido una nueva forma de construcción popular y democrática, todo bajo ataques constantes del imperio.

Blanca Eekhout: Venezuela’s experience of building democracy under siege

The Bolivarian Revolution, in its 24 years of existence, has built a new form of popular and democratic construction, all the while resisting constant attacks by the empire