8,000 Colombians march to Bogotá demanding to meet with president Duque

Meanwhile, four indigenous leaders were killed in other parts of the country as mobilizations took place in Bogotá.

Participants of the Minga continue to wait for a meeting with Colombian President Iván Duque

The organizations of the Social Minga are demanding protection for social leaders, right to defend their land, right to democracy and the construction of peace in the country

Assassination of colombian social leaders The massacre of Colombia’s social leaders continues

In the past two weeks, eight social leaders were brutally assassinated by members of right-wing militias.

Six social leaders assassinated in past week in Colombia

The genocide against Colombia’s social leaders, human rights defenders and ex-combatants continues as six of them were violently assassinated in the past one week

Indigenous movements in Colombia declare a state of emergency over assassinations

After the attack on the Indigenous Guardia on August 10, organizations are demanding that the government of Iván Duque take steps to stop the genocide of Colombia’s Indigenous people

Social Minga condemns Ivan’s Duque’s refusal to meet communities

After mobilizing for almost a month, enduring heavy police repression, the participants of the social Minga had lifted the blockade on the Pan-American Highway after receiving an assurance the president Ivan Duque would listen to their concerns

Colombian police attack protesters on Pan-American highway

Indigenous and peasant communities in the South-West of Colombia are mobilizing against government policies and demanding the State respect prior agreements

Regional strike in Cauca, Colombia enters twelfth day despite violent police repression

In response to the demands of the people for dialogue on implementing state promises in education and agriculture, the government has unleashed special police units which have arrested many and injured dozens