At its historic summit in South Africa, BRICS has an opportunity to give voice to the demands of the Global South. In order to do so, it must realize its potential as a global forum that provides alternatives for development and growth

At least 49 African countries will take part in the Russia-Africa summit that will begin in St. Petersburg on July 27. The food sovereignty of African countries is likely to be high on the agenda and the summit will try to finalize the establishment of a new grain deal fitting their needs

There is an agenda behind the recent media coverage on the supposed “pressure campaign” carried out by US officials to prevent a coup by Bolsonaro and his supporters. These reports are in fact in favor of the US government’s interests in Brazilian foreign policy

On his first day in the country, the president also visited Huawei and had meetings with executives from other companies

¿Podrán el Nuevo Banco de Desarrollo y el Acuerdo de Reservas Contingentes cumplir su misión original con la llegada de la nueva presidenta del banco, Dilma Rousseff?

Will the New Development Bank and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement be able to fulfill their original mission with the arrival of the new bank president Dilma Rousseff?

Los historiales y las prioridades de los nuevos responsables del Banco Mundial y del Nuevo Banco de Desarrollo -Ajay Banga y Dilma Rousseff- representan dos perspectivas diferentes a la hora de abordar los problemas del mundo

Lula’s administration has significantly shifted the direction of politics in Brazil, sharply departing from his predecessor Jair Bolsonaro

The records and priorities of the new heads of the World Bank and the New Development Bank – Ajay Banga and Dilma Rousseff – represent two different perspectives on addressing the world’s problems

In today’s episode, we look at Brazil’s ex-president Rousseff being elected to BRICS bank presidency, Sri Lankan workers protesting privatization of government oil company, and more.

15,000 professionals will be hired under the More Doctors for Brazil which is a revamped version of the program which was launched during the presidency of Dilma Rousseff. This will ensure greater access to health for 96 million people

El gobierno entrante de Lula tiene por delante el inmenso desafío de reparar relaciones y alianzas históricas que fueron socavadas por Bolsonaro